Tips To Make Your Home Smell Great

How many air fresheners and aroma candles have you stacked in your closet? We know you spend a sizeable portion of your home maintenance budget on such products, and it is perfectly OK. After all, who wants to live in a smelly house? You can, however, achieve comparable results without paying a cent! Here are a few suggestions about how to do it.

Do not throw away the tea bags. Do you love having a cup of mint or lime tea in the morning? We like it too! But instead of throwing the tea bag right away, keep it on the table for a few hours – you will be surprised how pleasant and sustainable its aroma is.

Make some simple deodorizers on your own. My favourite 5-minute recipe is mixing baking soda with a type of essential oil of your choice (lavender or mint would be my best suggestions). Sprinkle the mixture all over your carpet and let it stay for a few hours. You can do it before the regular weekly vacuum cleaning.

Add a few drops of lemon juice to the bucket of water before you mop the floors. After you have treated them with your home detergent, repeat the procedure with pure water and just a few drops from a freshly squeezed lemon – it will change the whole odour of the room for hours!